Top 10 Websites on Robotics

You might be searching for the “Top 10 Websites on Robotics” to learn it. Why not? You should learn robotics in the rising era of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Robotics is a very demanding subject in today’s world. For centuries, human beings have been fascinated by the idea of intelligent machines that could mimic our behaviours and abilities. Now the technology is so advanced that anyone can learn anything on their own.

You may observe the boom of “artificial intelligence” from November 30, 2022, when ChatGPT launched. Any visionary person can say that the next boom will happen in the robotics industry. So learning robotics is one of the best choices for your career in the upcoming years.

Now you may think, Where can I get the right resources to learn robotics? Don’t worry, RobotoHub is here. In this article, we will provide the top 10 websites to learn robotics.

Websites on Robotics
Top 10 Websites on Robotics

What is Robotics?

Robotics is the interdisciplinary study and practice of the design, construction, operation, and use of robots.


There is not any pre-established way to become a Robotics Engineer. Robotics is a combination of Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science and Electronics to design, build, and operate a robot.

Top 10 Websites on Robotics for Beginners

Robotics Websites
Top 10 Websites on Robotics

Robotics Website 1 – OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare provides one of the best courses to learn robotics. It offers a comprehensive collection of all course materials from MIT’s robotics courses.

Robotics Website 2 – IEEE Robotics and Automation Society

The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society is one of the most popular organisations that focuses on theoretical and applied issues in robotics. They offer plenty of resources, including courses, articles, webinars, and conferences.

Robotics Website 3 – Boston Dynamics

Boston Dynamics is a renowned American engineering and robotics design company founded in 1992. You may see some videos of their robots on social media. One of the most popular robots of this company are Atlas (a humanoid robot capable of athletic manoeuvres), Spot (a four-legged robot), and Handle (a two-legged robot). They do not provide any formal courses yet. But you should check the Academia & Education section of their website for guidance and research purposes.

Robotics Website 4 – Coursera

Are you looking for courses from the top universities and institutions around the world? Coursera provides a variety of robotics courses taught by experienced professors from top universities and institutions. These courses cover a wide range of topics, from beginners to the most advanced.

Robotics Website 5 – Udemy

If you find Coursera’s courses are not helpful, you can check out Udemy’s courses. Udemy is an alternative to Coursera. Learn in-demand skills like ROS, Arduino, and Python through programming challenges and simulations with insightful instruction and the community support of Udemy.

Robotics Websites 6 – Udacity

According to me, Udacity is a more familiar name when it comes to online courses. They offer one of the best courses in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence. Their courses on Python and C++ have also helped me to develop my concepts on this field.

Robotics Website 7 – Skill Share

As the name suggests, Skill Share is an online education platform where people share their skills. Skill Share will be a great option to start your learning journey in robotics. Experts from various universities share their skills here. You may find great courses that help you understand the first principles of robotics.

Robotics Website 8 – edX

Start your robotics journey by connecting textbook foundations to real engineering applications with edX. Edx represents several courses on robotics. Their courses connect you directly with researchers pushing cutting-edge innovations, while their community forums foster collaborations to propel your learning forward.

Robotics Website 9 – FutureLearn

Learn robotics concepts in a real-world context from researchers and professionals at FutureLearn. If you’re a beginner looking for some guidance with the fundamentals to upskill in Robotics,AI ethics or cybersecurity, FutureLearn has insightful courses to meet your needs.

Robotics Website 10 – Youtube

If you don’t have enough money to purchase am online course,Dont worry! You can find enough video and free tutorials on YouTube.


So we have almost reached to end of this article discovering some new Robotics Websites. From now, I hope you’ve found your way to Robotics journey. Whether you’re looking for a robotics company to work with or launching a robotics startup company, the courses on these websites might help your journey, I hope.

I know Robotics Engineering is a very hard topic to master and it may feel overwhelming to you. Just take the first step of this journey rather than mastering this field overnight at once. Break big goals like developing healthcare robots into smaller milestones first. Maybe start simply reading daily robotics news and articles to nurture your passion and chart the course.

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