Best Prompt Engineering Books – You Should Read in 2024

In this article we will share the best prompt engineering books you should read to get your output more accurate from any AI like ChatGPT. After the launch of ChatGPT on November 2022, There is a rise of a totally new carrier – Prompt Engineering. You may heard it in Instagram or Facebook reel while scrolling. Using of Artificial Intelligence is increasing rapidly day-by-day. ChatGPT hit 1 million user in just only 5 days.

I am also using ChatGPT daily. Believe me it has increased my work atleast 10x. There are several popular AI like ChatGPT, Midjourney, Claude and Perplexity which generates text, image and even code

But there is a PROBLEM !

Sometime these AI bots provides misleading or inaccurate information. That’s why, here comes Prompt Engineering.

Prompt Engineering Books
Best Prompt Engineering Books

What is Prompt Engineering ?

Many people don’t know about Prompt Engineering. They have only heard about it in reels or may be by someone. I have taken a quote from Wikipedia.

Prompt engineering is the process of structuring an instruction that can be interpreted and understood by a generative AI model


So Prompt Engineering is a process by which we can give a well defined instruction to an Al. It is a way to make your prompt more refined so that an AI can give more accurate output without hallucinating.

After the end of reading these books, you would have more grip on the output of AI. After mastering the foundational concepts you can unlock the endless possibilities Artificial Intelligence. Let’s start!

Best Prompt Engineering Books for Beginners

The Art of Prompt Engineering with Chatgpt by Nathan Hunter

The first book came to my mind, whenever I think of Prompt Engineering, is The Art of Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT by Nathan Hunter

TitleThe Art of Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT: A Hands-on Guide
AuthorNathan Hunter
PublisherIndependently Published, 2023
ISBN1739296729, 9781739296728
Length208 pages

You will learn five techniques to make your promt better. After learning this book you will know about 4 advanced prompt engineering tools to get better output from ChatGPT. The possibilities of using AI is endless but still you will find 9 diffident real world use-cases of these techniques and tools. I have also read this book and really it helped me a lot. Now let’s have a look on the chapters of this book …

Chapters of this Book

You will find 6 chapters in this book. From each chapter I had learn something new.

  1. Introduction
  2. Tools and Techniques
  3. Advanced Prompt Engineering
  4. GPT-4
  5. Use Cases
  6. The Future has just begun

About Author

Nathan Hunter is the founder of ChatGPT Trainings, a company dedicated to building a more accessible AI future. He has spent a decade helping NGOs in developing leadership and soft skills.

He was also suffering to get a satisfying output from ChatGPT when it was first released. It lead him to learn about Prompt Engineering. He researched, experimented and learnt from his mistakes. His goal is to make AI more accessible in the upcoming future.

Prompt Engineering: The Art of Asking by Yaswanth Sai Palaghat

The next book came to my mind when, I heard  about Prompt Engineering, is Prompt Engineering: The Art of Asking by Yaswanth Sai Palaghat.

TitlePrompt Engineering: The Art of Asking
AuthorYaswanth Sai Palaghat
PublisherNotion Press
Length72 pages

Do you have these questions? – What are the types of Prompt? What are the rules Of Prompt? How to refine a Prompt? I had these questions some months ago. But now I had these answers by reading this book.

This book will also help to get better images on Midjourney, a text to image generating AI. Whether you are a content creator, AI enthusiast, or a book lover this book will help you in the upcoming future to get better results from AI.

About Author

Yaswanth Sai Palaghat is a content creator on YouTube and Instagram on technology and career niche. Beside this, he is also a author of several books like “The Money Stories”, “The Door to Financial Freedom” and “The Art of Unleashing Your Potential”. His aim is to empower people to reach their maximum potential and follow their aspirations through his writings and content.

The Future of the Prompt Engineering by Dr S Geerthik

Okay! Now you have known that what Prompt Engineering is, how Promt Engineering works. But what is the Future of Prompt Engineering? What are the scope of Prompt Engineering? Why you should learn Prompt Engineering? Is there any carrer in Prompt Engineering?

To get answer of your questions, next I will suggest you The Future of the Prompt Engineering by Dr S Geerthik, Dr.L.Sharmila, Mr. T.P. Anish and Dr.R.Ramya. By reading this book you will have clear vision on the future of Prompt Engineering.

TitleThe Future of the Prompt Engineering
AuthorS Geerthik, Dr.L.Sharmila, Mr. T.P Anish,Dr. R. Ramya
PublisherNotion Press
Length116 pages

Chapters of this Book

Here are the 11 chapters you will find in this book-

  1. Introduction
  2. The Principles of Prompt Engineering
  3. The Techniques of Prompt Engineering
  4. The Applications of Prompt Engineering
  5. Programming Languages
  6. Performance
  7. Technology Transformation
  8. The Future of Prompt Engineering
  9. Example Useful Prompts
  10. Useful Application Design
  11. Conclusions

About Authors

Dr. S. Geerthik is an Associate Professor and the head of Information Technology Department of Agni College of Technology. He holds a Ph.D (Computer Science & Engineering) degree.

Dr.L.Sharmila has completed her M.E and Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering. Now she is a Computer Science and Engineering Professor at Agni College of Technology.

Mr. T.P Anish is a Computer Science and Engineering Professor in the at R.M.K College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai.

Dr. R. Ramya is employed at the SRM Institute of Science and Technology in Ramapuram, Chennai, in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering.


In conclusion, starting a journey to explore the world of prompt engineering through books is similar to embarking sail on a voyage of discovery, with each page you will discover new horizons to explore. Remember!

“The only source of knowledge is experience.”

Albert Einstein

By this quote I want to clear that the only way to master Prompt Engineering is experimenting. Do experiment by yourself and gain knowledge from that experience.

As you have completed best books on Prompt Engineering, you may like to read The Top 10 Websites On Robotics. Click here If you want to know How to Learn Robotics in your home.

FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to study to become a prompt engineer?

To become a Promt Engineer, you need to study Computer Science and Linguistic. You have to also learn programming languages like Python.

Can a fresher become a prompt engineer?

Yes ! A fresher can become a Promt Engineer through the right knowledge on Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Programming Language like Python.

How many days it will take to learn prompt engineering?

It depends on the knowledge you have. If you have the basic knowledge of machine learning and Computer science, You can learn Prompt Engineering in 6 months through projects and hands-on-experience.

What are the 5 principles of prompt engineering?

There is not any set of 5 prompt engineering principles agreed universally. But here some common 5 principle Prompt Engineers talk about. Prompt Clarity and Structure, Specificity and Information, Desired Output and Style, Evaluation and Iteration, Breaking Down Complex Tasks.

What is the relationship between ChatGPT and prompt engineering?

Prompt engineering is the skill of giving clear and specific instructions to get output from ChatGPT to generate the exact kind of creative text format, answer, or code user desired.

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